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Be a Supporter or Sponsor

Our funds come from grants and donations by organisations as much as from the course fees we charge, so without donations from organisations we would struggle to deliver our services at the very low fees we charge.

All our costs are for running courses and Drop-In Centres, including advertising and printing and postage. We have no paid staff at all, only volunteers who kindly give their spare time.

Our current supporters are shown below: the largest have their logo on our Home page with links to their websites.

So could yours, so please contact us to see how you could help :

Contact Computer Friendly Chair on admin@cfsta.org or via our Course Booking line, 01727 617359, to arrange a discussion.

The following collage of logos shows the various organisations that support us in a variety of ways; be it grants, donations or simply use of premises to allow us to run our various courses.

Click on the sponsor / supporter logo to be taken to their websites. Note that they will open in a new window.