Getting more from Courses

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Further Courses

These series of courses are intended to build upon our starter courses to enable you to develop your skills and knowledge and build your confidence so you can move on to start using the computer as a tool rather than just a device for sending emails and storing photographs.

They can also be used as refresher courses for people returning to work after a break.

When and Where?

You can visit either our DropIn section or our timetable page to see when and where we are planning to hold drop in sessions and courses.

Making your computer or tablet work for you

If you have more experience you will want to be moving on.

Learn how to organise your files and folders on your computer with our Finding Your Files and Photos (Organising your Windows Computer). This is a four week course for Windows computers about managing your files, documents and photos: a must for people who wish to get organised.

Your computer can be more productive for you with free telephone calls, where you can also see the other person. We have a two hour course covering Skype.

You should check your security is up to scratch to ensure that you are safe from scams and prevent any nasties taking control of your phone, tablet or computer. We have two hour course to help you Stay Safe Online. This is a must if you want to stay safe.

Refresh your Business Skills with our Microsoft Windows Office Courses:

Writing letters, articles with Microsoft Word. This is a 6 week course where you will create a wide range of documents – including letters, reports, and menus.
Further Word is a 5 week course which includes advanced formatting, tables and mail merge.

Learn to use Microsoft Publisher for newsletters, posters etc This is a three week course: Learn how to use Microsoft Publisher to create newsletters, brochures, posters and more. Please note this is not a presentation skills course.

Learn MS Excel to improve your spreadsheet skills. We will show you how to set up and edit spreadsheets for home and office use, using Microsoft Excel software; the course runs for 6 weeks.
Further Excel is a 5 week course will increase your confidence in using Microsoft Excel so that you can produce a wide range of spreadsheets, whether for personal or business purposes.

If you have a basic working knowledge of word processing, in this six week course we’ll show you how to create and deliver Microsoft PowerPoint presentations that you can use at work and for clubs, charities, training and similar purposes.

Fancy a new Hobby or Interest

Photography on iPhones/iPads

Learn Photography on iPhone & iPad to take amazing pictures and share them with your friends electronically. The course will cover three crucial photography topics, over three sessions! Learn how to take, edit and share photos like a pro!


Start decluttering items in your house and sell them using our Buying and Selling on eBay course. A four week course to learn how to buy and sell items on eBay. We will help you set up eBay and Paypal accounts and sell your first item.

Family History

Trace your Family History with our Family History course. A five week programme for people who wish to find out more about their ancestors using the Internet.  Experience of computers is necessary.

Social Media

is a five week course to help you learn about how to interact and connect with others online via social media using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram.

Getting more from Courses

Learn how to use Skype to talk to and make video calls to friends and family across the world for free across Skype.

When and Where?

If you are unsure of the suitability of one of our courses or simply wish to find out more you can visit one of our drop in centres to discuss a course or visit our courses timetable page or our course planner page to see where and when the courses are being held.

Book a course now