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Computer Friendly

Microsoft PowerPoint


You will learn how to create and deliver a range of PowerPoint presentations that can be used both at work and for clubs, charities, training and similar purposes.  (Please note that this is not a presentation skills course.)

Course Objectives

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to all the commonly used features of PowerPoint.  By the end of the course you should be able to produce attractive, professional presentations that will impress an audience and hold their attention.

You will:

A workbook is provided containing exercises to give hands-on experience and general information. This is yours to keep.


You should have attended the Word course or have a basic working knowledge of word-processing.

Course Structure

Six weeks x2 hours

Lesson 1   Introduction and Admin

Lesson 2   Look and feel of a presentation: applying a theme

Lesson 3   Designing your own slides

Lesson 4   Inserting tables on a slide, Importing tables and charts from Excel

Lesson 5   Bulleted v. numbered lists

Lesson 6   Slide shows without a presenter