Low cost IT training in St Albans & Harpenden areas  

Book today: 01727 617359  or email courses@cfsta.org

© Copyright 2021 Computer Friendly

 Registered in England number 04398683                        Registered Charity number 1096433

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Computer Friendly

Our Courses

Getting started with computers and the Internet?

If you are new to computers and want to see how easy it is to start then consider our short A Taste of the Internet session to show you what computers and tablets look and feel like, so you can work out what the best approach is for you. Click here for :

A Taste of the Internet

If you then decide to buy a tablet or laptop you can get started with confidence using our ‘Starting off with’ courses.  Click here for details:

Starter courses

Drop-In Centres are where you can have a short chat to help you get started.

If you already have a computer we suggest you pick your course from our Getting more courses. see below for more details.

Fancy a new hobby or interest?

Want to get more from your computer or tablet?

If you have experience of the Internet and email already, and are adding a tablet or iPad to your computing, then choose which one of our ‘Getting More’ courses to go on.

To get more experience with a laptop then try our

Refresh your business skills with our Windows Office courses:

Phone today to book your course

01727 617359

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
from 10:00am to 1:00pm only.

You can leave a message at other times and one of the team will get back to you.

Or email Courses@cfsta.org

Check out where and when we run our courses

Most Computer Friendly courses are run in various venues in both St Albans and Harpenden, with occasional outreach courses in in other locations.

Click Venues for where to go.


Come to one of our Introductory Workshops to learn different ways of using the Internet, or to one of our Hands-On Workshops to do it yourself.

Low Prices

Our Beginners courses are only £10 to cover the printing and administration costs.

Other courses are £24, £32, £40 or £48 depending upon length.